Monday, 14 January 2013

Skills and Evaluation of production

Describe and evaluate your skills development over the course of your production work.
How i have done better throughout this course with all my production work and evaluate how i have done better.

List of things i can talk about:
Premlim magazine
Final Magazine
Prelim Music video
Final Music video
Draft digipak
Final digipak
Draft Poster
Final Poster

Definitions to you:
DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY- Cameras, Photoshop, Computers, Phones, Apps, Softwares, Programmes

CREATIVITY- Looking at previous, exsisting ideas and use them as inspiration. Look at different things for inspiration e.g. books, paintings, genreal things that inspire you. Conventions for exsisting texts.

RESEARCH AND PLANNING- Research would come under looking at exsisting texts, comparing conventions for different genres and gettin inspiration to adapt these to your product and make sure it is right. Planning is putting all your research together to get an idea of what you are going to do.

POST PRODUCTION- This is the editing on how and what you have changed and what programmes were used to make this better.

USING CONVENTIONS FROM REAL MEDIA- To make our work as professional as we possibly can we studied conventions in music videos already existing from famous artists and take inspiration from them by looking at the conventions they used in that genre. 

1 comment:

  1. Vish you show a secure understanding of the 5 key areas.
