Wednesday 6 February 2013


Theorists and what they are trying to say.

"A process needed for problem solving...not a special gift enjoyed by a few but a common ability possessed by most people" (Jones 1993)
I think this quote is telling us that you learn from your mistakes and once you make a mistake you can improve on your work as you won't make that same mistake again. Use creativity to solve problems.
"The making of the new and the re arranging of the old" (Bentley 1997)
 This pretty much sounds as it has been written, I think this theorist is telling us that the creation of premliminary tasks aids us to make a final version and this is done by mainly making changes to the premliminary and making it better and professional. exsisting texts.  
"Creativity results from the interaction of a system composed of three elements: a culture that contains symbolic rules, a person who brings novelty into the symbolic domain, and a field of experts who recognise and validatethe innovation." (Csikszentmihalyi 1996)
as a student, the rules made by exam board. me and bal worked together to make new product. our teachers moderators.  
"There is no absolute judgement [on creativity] All judgements arecomparisons of one thing with another." (Donald Larning).
what you think is creative, may not be to others.
"Technology has taken all the creativity out of media production"
Saying technology has come and people may rely so much on technology.
"A project that is too well planned lacks opportunities for spontaneity and creativity."
People will plan out exactly how they want it and may lack inspirations in a future date.
"Media producers can learn nothing from studying the conventions of oldtexts,"
looking at exsisting texts does not help with your own work.

Theories that I can apply to my work.
JONES 1993- as he talks about making mistakes, this is one thing that everyone does and i most definately did but with these i adapted and aimed to make my work better. I experimented with different things and tried to be more creative when i had known i had gone wrong and this allowed me to make my work better.

DONALD LAMING- some people, when giving feedback, pointed out some elements that they thought were wrong with my work but i knew this is what i wanted to create and it was done on purpose to link with the conventions of my work. This links this theory as i was being creative by making it professional but to others it did not look right even though i knew what i was doing it.

Theories that don't apply to my work
'media  producers can leanr nothing from studying the conventions of oldtexts'
I don't believe this is true at all because by looking at these exsisting texts that have already produced and shown to an audience and may have sold a lot (this can be found on the internet) so these will be professional and i can take ideas as well as looking for the correct conventions and adapt this to my work to make it as professional as i can.

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